
For encouragement past and present,

All the family; Geoff  Young & Diane Bailey; George Smith and family; Maggie Pendrell; Gretel Leeb; Paul Allison & family; Rolfe van Breda; Ellie Jones; Lesley and Anthony Conran; Paul Owen; Al Hughes, Ian Smith & Martin Crook; Mark and Soo; Ged Lynch; Gary Smith & Tania Scotland; Barry Cawston; Richard Williams; Paul Pritchard; Jo Sellars and Dave; Mike and Anne-Claire; John Rodgers; Rick and Kate Potter; Steve Garnett; Paulina Wojnakowska-Jabłońska; Cambrian Cameras.

Paul at Cambrian Cameras for printer set up.

Emrys and Mark at Matrix 10 for website help.

Dave Towse and Chris Parkin.


These pictures are dedicated to the memory of Andy Winterburn, for opening a door.